Enabling Build Notifications

Using email

Read the Docs allows you to configure emails that can be sent on failing builds. This makes sure you know when your builds have failed.

Take these steps to enable build notifications using email:

  • Go to Admin > Notifications in your project.
  • Fill in the Email field under the New Email Notifications heading
  • Submit the form

You should now get notified by email when your builds fail!

Using webhook

Read the Docs can also send webhooks when builds fail.

Take these steps to enable build notifications using a webhook:

  • Go to Admin > Notifications in your project.
  • Fill in the URL field under the New Webhook Notifications heading
  • Submit the form

The project name, slug and its details for the build that failed will be sent as POST request to your webhook URL:

     "name": "Read the Docs",
     "slug": "rtd",
     "build": {
         "id": 6321373,
         "success": false,
         "date": "2017-02-15 20:35:54",

You should now get notified on your webhook when your builds fail!